This means that if you want to process non-ASCII data that you’ve retrieved from a file or the network, you’ll need to use Xojo’s TextConverter class to convert your strings into UTF-8 before passing them to the RegEx object. In PCRE, they’re off by default, while in Xojo they’re on by default. The only exception are the case insensitive and “multi-line” matching modes. Everything said in the tutorial about PCRE’s regex flavor also applies to Xojo. The regular expressions tutorial on this website does not explicitly mention Xojo.

What this means to you as a Xojo developer is that the RegEx class provides you with a rich flavor of Perl-compatible regular expressions. Internally, this class is based on the open source PCRE library.

Xojo, formerly known as REALbasic, includes a built-in RegEx class. How to Use Regular Expressions in Xojo (REALbasic)